Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System /
Panhandle Area Educational Consortium

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Please click on the links below to learn more information about etiquette for specific types of disabilities


General Disability Etiquete


Interacting with Persons with Visual Impairments


Interacting with Persons with Hearing Impairments


Interacting with Persons with Psychiatric or Mental Health Disorders


Interacting with the Mobility Impaired


Interacting with Persons with Speech Impediments


Disability Etiquette

Etiquette for Interacting with People with Disabilities
People with disabilities are people first! The disability is something that they have to deal with everyday, but it is not the most important thing about them. Like everyone, they have goals and dreams. Like everyone, they want to be loved, respected, and productive. Over the past few decades changes in policies, laws and attitudes have made it possible for people with disabilities to become more integrated into mainstream society. It is not unusual to encounter persons with disabilities in school, in the workplace or in a social setting.

When those without disabilities encounter those with disabilities in a positive, appropriate manner life easier for everyone involved. Society improves as we all come to understand one another better as similar human beings, all with struggles to overcome and all with something to offer.

As in other social situations, etiquette, or good manners, helps people know what to do. This document was designed to let people know some of the etiquette to follow when meeting people with disabilities.

Adapted from “Disability Etiquette,” from the United Spinal Association,http://www. unitedspinal.org

753 West Boulevard, Chipley FL 32428
Phone: (850) 638 - 6131
Fax: (850) 638 - 6142
Program Coordinator: Faye Yongue

The Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) is funded by the State of Florida, Department of Education, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services, through Federal assistance under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B; Idea Part B, Preschool; and State General Revenue Funds.